While the rest of Bollywood is turning to crop tops and mini dresses to take on the summer heat waves, Dia Mirza does it a bit differently, as she always has. The Bollywood actress married Vaibhav Rekhi in February 2021 and the newlyweds took off to Maldives earlier this week with Vaibhav's daughter in tow. After a gorgeous beach getaway to the celebrity destination, Dia is back at work and upping her summer fashion game in the brightest of shades. And she didn't stop at just picking one. For movie promotions of Wild Dog, Dia wore a bright blue Payal Khandwala oversized kurta with a gold woven yoke. It contrasted brilliantly with green palazzo pants and was teamed with bronze kolhapuri sandals from Aprajita Toor. Dia also changed thing up by wearing her hair in large curls along with a defined but fresh makeup look.
Swirlster Picks Coloured Kurtas For Women
(Also Read: Dia Mirza Is The Most Gorgeous Bride-To-Be In A White Lace Dress At Her Bridal Shower)
Dia looked absolutely glorious on her Maldives holiday in an ensemble that matched the sea side. Over a blue bikini, she wore a white cover-up with green and blue mirror work which made her look like she was truly one with the ocean.
She looked like the very definition of spring when she wore a white Tarun Tahiliani saree with pink floral prints over it. With touches of pink, minimal jewellery and her hair in a chic ponytail, it was a fitting ethnic twist for the season.
Back during her wedding week, Dia wore a glorious yellow salwar kameez suit by Nafisa Rachel William. Its gold embroidery work sparkled and was paired with elegant jewellery for the most chic bridal look.
(Also Read: From Dia Mirza's Red Silk Saree To White Lace Dress, Her Bridal Looks Were Elegance Personified)
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