Disha Patani has all the tricks of her sleeves whether she has holiday on her mind or whether she is casually spending time at home. Pyjamas and sweatshirts for the later and chic bikini sets for the former seem like the obvious choice for us, common people. But that's not as it goes for celebrities such as Disha Patani who can mix it up and make any place worthy of a fashion moment. As she lounges in her living room, the usual suspects for her is simply a bikini set from Calvin Klein. And just like that without you even knowing, you are hooked and can't look away even if you tried. She picks slate grey cutout set with the brand's monogram logo on the elastic bands with her chiseled abs on display. Well perhaps that is Disha Patani for you. Disha Patani always has the good vibes whether at the beach or otherwise and to top it through with a dewy complexion paired with voluminous hair, we don't see why not.
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When it comes to lounging at home for Disha Patani, nothing comes between she and her Calvins. Well when you look as fierce she does in a leopard print bralette to simply lounge in, who would dare cross away.
A casual day in the life of Disha Patani includes playing with a pets, binge watching anime and spending time at the gym but none if is without looking her stylish self no matter where she is.
Also Read: Never In Our Wildest Dreams Could We Lounge As Stylishly As Disha Patani Does
Disha Patani can lounge away to hearts' desire in even the simplest clothes and we'll still have to put the world's might to attempt looking half as good as she does.
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