Pooja Hegde is all set for her latest movie Kisika Bhai Kisiki Jaan which is scheduled to be released on the 21st of April. The diva will be seen alongside Salman Khan in this one. Pooja has been promoting the movie for quite some time now but her latest outfit is what has grabbed our attention instantly. She was dressed in zesty orange from head to toe and looked as fresh as daisies. The outfit from designer label Arpita Mehta featured long sleeves with mirror work at the sleeve line, a close neckline, a corset bodice and a ruched bottom. The floor-length outfit had a beautiful fall to it with pleat details. Pooja's golden jewellery included layered necklaces and chunky gold hoop earrings. Leaving her tresses loose in soft curls, Pooja's glam makeup included winged eyeliner, a dash of kohl-well-contoured cheeks and a nude lip gloss.
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Pooja Hegde's summer-style fashion is making us fall in love with the season a little more. She picked a sunshine yellow tulle dress from the designer label Gauri and Nainika. A halter neckline, cutout pattern and a breezy, playful silhouette instantly make the dress our summer favourite. The outfit is perfect for a summer picnic for sure. She accessorised the outfit with statement rings and golden studs. Minimal makeup complements Pooja's summer look.
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Pooja Hegde loves monochromes and her all-grey outfit from Label Frow proves just that. The mid-length silhouette featured strappy-style sleeves and a deep neck pattern followed by a ruched bottom and a bodycon fit. Her minimal makeup look and lustrous hair left loose were the perfect addition to her casual chic look.
We are convinced of Pooja Hegde's love for monochromes.
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