There is no denying the fact that Kriti Sanon's sartorial choices have always been on point and the actor doesn't stop surprising us with her fashion statements. We have seen Kriti in gorgeous red-carpet gowns, which the actor has carried with elegance and poise. We were swooned over yet again by the Bollywood star who wore a showstopping pastel gown recently. The actor opted for a corset gown in pastel shade of pink for Pinkvilla awards. The strappy gown was from the clothing brand Aadnevik and featured a plunging neckline, corset at the waist and a dramatic thigh-high side slit. Adding up the glam factor to the gown were cut out details at the side. The actor accessorised the look with dangling earrings, rings and a pair of strappy heels. For makeup, Kriti chose dewy makeup with subtle eye makeup, lip gloss and shimmering eyelids.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon Sums Up The Glam Look As "Black, Glitter And Intense Eyes"
Carrying a gown yet again and looking absolutely phenomenal, Kriti Sanan walked the red carpet at IIFA awards 2022 in a Michael Cinco gown. The fiery gown had embellished golden details with a plunging sweetheart neckline and a mermaid fit. The gown even had a dramatic trail that had ruffles and feather-like details in yellow. Kriti tied her hair in a sleek bun while opting for dewy makeup with kohled eyes and glossy lip tint. She accessories the look with golden earrings and pointed heels.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon Makes Us Swoon In Her Contemporary Ethnic Layered Lehenga Look
For Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash when the entire Bollywood was dressed in something bling, Kriti Sanon opted for a glitter bodycon short dress. The full-sleeved mini dress in maroon was from designer label Surya Sarkar and had a plunging neckline. Adding oomph factor to the outfit were its power sleeves and asymmetrical neckline. Kriti tied her hair in a messy ponytail, wore strappy black heels and wore a pair of dangling earrings.
Kriti's taste in fashion is impeccable, hence proved.
CommentsAlso Read: FDCI X Lakme Fashion Week: Kriti Sanon Casts Magic In A Shimmery Black Corset Gown