Shriya Saran just made our week better with her phenomenal style statement. You ask how? The actress, who is currently busy promoting her upcoming RRR film, wore a vibrant yellow saree by Jayanti Reddy for an event. She posted a slew of pictures in this traditional look on Instagram and fans can't get enough of her elegance and beauty. Her yellow number featured intricate silver zardozi embroidery work all over. She paired it with a heavy blouse with a plunging neckline and a tie-knot detailing at the back. To make her outfit stand out, she has added a belt. Shriya Saran amplified her ethnic look with just a pair of dangler earrings and a couple of traditional bangles. For makeup, she opted for a subtle pink shade on her lips.
Also Read: Shriya Saran's Version Of A "Simple And Casual" Beach Day Involves A Glitzy Pink Bikini
The colour yellow seems like Shriya Saran's recent favourite. Prior to this one, she opted for a plain yellow saree with a printed blouse. She amped up her style game with an embellished belt on the waist and the tiny red bindi.
If you are looking for inspiration for classy and ethnic wear appearances, head straight to Shriya Saran's Instagram account. It was difficult to pry our eyes off her when she turned up in this white saree. Shriya matched it with a heavily embroidered blouse with micro floral designs.
Shriya Saran once opted for a red saree and found us hooked to her appealing look and style. On the occasion of Dussehra, the saree featured intricate work on the borders with a heavy blouse. All she needed was glossy lips and a maroon bindi to add more charm to her overall look.
Shriya Saran is a pro at adding modern twists to her traditional ensembles too. Once, she raised the temperature in this long printed skirt with a thigh-high slit on the side. She teamed it with a printed blouse in a rather contrasting shade. What caught our eyes was her black shoes.
Also Read: Shriya Saran's Wedding Wardrobe - Pink Silk, Bridal Red And A Gold Saree
Shriya Saran's blue lehenga by Anita Dongre was the talk of the town for many days. Here's a picture of the diva wearing the stunning number. Long dangler earrings and her signature tiny matching bindi made her look picture perfect.
Shriya Saran has proved that she can rock any ethnic look that comes her way.
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