Sobhita Dhulipala's wardrobe choices have always been top notch. With every public appearance, the Bollywood actress seems to be raising the glam bar higher. For the OTT Filmfare Awards in the city, the actress opted for a hot red lace dress from designer Anamika Khanna. The full-sleeved sheer dress featured a plunging neckline with cutout detailing at the neck, a beautiful flare and a paneled dramatic asymmetrical neckline with see-through sheer details which accentuated Sobhita's silhouette. For accessories, the actress opted for a beaded necklace and strap black pointed heels. Sobhita's glamorous makeup included kohl-rimmed eyes, ample mascara, well-highlighted cheeks and a matte lip colour.
Sobhita Dhulipala opted for an all-black dress which looked chic and stylish, all at the same time. She was seen wearing a sassy black number from the designer label Shehla Khan. The outfit featured a deep sweetheart neckline with cutout detailing at the midriff region and a dramatic thigh slit at the front. It even had layered ruffle detailing all along its flare. Sobhita's accessories included metallic hoops, a layered necklace and metallic bracelets. The actress kept her makeup glammed up and dewy.
Also Read: Is It A Dress Or A Saree? It Doesn't Matter When Sobhita Dhulipala Looks So Chic
Sobhita Dhulipala's stylish wardrobe choices are inspiring. The actress wore a full-sleeved midi dress from the clothing brand Staud which was minimally chic. The full-sleeved outfit had a plunging neckline and a bodycon fit which accentuated Sobhita's frame. Sobhita left her mane loose and wore a dewy makeup with nude lip colour, kohl-laden eyes and shimmering eyelids.
Sobhita Dhulipala is a fashion icon with diverse wardrobe statements.
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