Ananya Panday and Ayushmann Khurrana will be seen together in their upcoming movie Dream Girl 2. Ananya has been giving us major wardrobe inspiration, one outfit after the other. May it be her ethnic choices or Western numbers, the star knows exactly how to amaze her fans. She graced the internet with her latest pictures in a corseted mini dress. The strap outfit from the clothing brand House of CB featured a plunging neckline, a ribbed bustline, corseted bodice, and a flared bottom. Ananya added a contrast to the white dress with a pair of black boots. Minimal dewy makeup, open tresses, and a lot of charisma complemented Ananya's look perfectly.
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Ananya Panday's al-blue cutout outfit was a delight to look at. The outfit from clothing label Alex Perry featured a tube-like bust with a long sleeve on one side, a cutout pattern at the midriff region and a body-hugging silhouette. The velvet fabric added a natural sheen to the look. The actress tied her hair in a sleek bun and wore shimmery eyeshadows, rosy blush and well-defined eye makeup. For accessories, Ananya wore a delicate choker necklace and a pair of stud earrings.
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Ananya Panday took to the Barbiecore trend while promoting Dream Girl 2. She picked a sleeveless bright pink bodycon number which accentuated her well-toned body. She opted for a pair of silver metallic heels which broke the monotony of her OOTD. Glittery eyelids, smudged kohl, blushed cheeks and glossy pink lips completed Ananya's rosy makeup. She left her hair strands loose in a wavy manner.
We would love to see more of Ananya Panday's vibrant closet.
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