Shraddha Kapoor's current social calendar might be extremely busy ahead of her latest upcoming release Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar but while she is at it, the latter is making sure to make the most of her promotional time stylishly. It has been a while since we saw Shraddha on silver screen, and we cannot wait to see the on-screen pairing of her with Ranbir Kapoor in their upcoming release. From bikinis to radiant sarees, the trailer has given us a gist of her on-screen fashion, but Shraddha is making sure to keep it up off-screen as well. In her latest look, she opted for an envy-inducing aqua blue drape. She has an affinity toward beautiful sarees and one look through her Instagram is proof enough. Her flowy, silky saree is made to bookmark for wedding festivities. She accentuated her style with beautiful, sleek diamonds.
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor Shows Us "The Thumka" While Shining Her Brightest In A Radiant Yellow Saree
Shraddha Kapoor doesn't experiment with her style much and usually likes to stick to her signature basics. When it comes to her ethnic style, Shraddha's roster of lehengas have been in the spotlight and recently she added a pop of colour to her collection in a Gopi Vaid orange lehenga. The beautiful, flared number came with gotta patti work that complemented her style.
Shraddha Kapoor has a bias toward pretty drapes and her Instagram profile is proof. Not so long ago, the actress treated us to an alluring saree look. Sarees often come in handy on opulent occasions and Shraddha knows how to style them accordingly. She recently made a case for prints in a floral ruffle saree. Her heavy-duty oxidised jewellery made a difference as it was a complete game changer in all the right ways.
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