Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover welcomed their daughter Devi in November 2022. Ever since the arrival of their little one, the actress has been sharing adorable posts and videos of her daughter. For Karan's birthday, Bipasha Basu and Devi are on holiday and we cannot stop admiring their family style. In a video shared by Bipasha on her Instagram page, the family is twinning and winning hearts in pink outfits and taking the Barbiecore trend seriously. Bipasha was dressed in an ombre co-ord set of a full-sleeved button-down shirt teamed with a pair of loose-fit pants in shades of pink. Karan wore a casual pink short-sleeved graphic t-shirt with a pair of white pants to complete his effortless style. Their daughter Devi looked cute in a pink frill dress with a net pattern and green bows. The family looked exceptional in their peppy pink numbers.
Also Read: Bipasha Basu's Daughter Devi In A Red Dress Is Santa's Chicest Little Christmas "Helper"
It is not the first time that we have seen Bipasha Basu twinning with her daughter. The actress makes it a point to match outfits with Devi occasionally and give her fans reasons to fall in love with the mother-daughter duo. For Republic Day, the two twinned in yellow outfits and looked stylish. While Bipasha wore a sunshine yellow kurta with white lace work and carried a matching dupatta, Devi wore a lehenga in yellow with a short-sleeved matching blouse and carried a mini dupatta to go with it. They looked the most fashionable mother-daughter duo around.
Also Read: Fresh Greens With A Pop Of Pink Adds To Bipasha Basu's Durga Ashtami Festivities
We are totally in awe of Bipasha Basu, Karan Singh Grover, and their daughter's delightfully stylish family outings.