There's no one quite like Nikki Tamboli. The former Bigg Boss 14 contestant has set off to shoot her next reality TV show Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 in Cape Town. Her latest photo on Instagram proved that even being busy shooting the show cannot stop Nikki from raising the style quotient. On the gorgeous beach under the South African sun, Nikki posed on the sand wearing a blue printed swimsuit with bright orange piping. The monokini featured a plunging back along with a cutout detail. Nikki showcased her fabulous figure in the swimsuit and wore her straight and loose with a neutral toned makeup look.
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It's the first swimsuit sighting for us from Nikki Tamboli's Cape Town diaries and we hope it won't be the last while she spends the summer shooting for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11. Until then, we have her previous summer-friendly style files to look back at. Wearing a yellow and white bandage dress, she sported a burgundy toned eye with wet look tresses and shimmery skin to finish off.
She amped up the summer vibes in a floral printed dress emblazoned in tones of green, red and white. Glossy curls in her hair and bright yellow nail polish only added to the sunny feel of this breezy outfit.
Nikki certainly loves her floral prints, which she proved once more when she donned a black multicoloured printed crop top with a cutaway detail at the back. Straight hair and the trademark Tamboli mauve pout were her finishing touch for this one.
(Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor's Much-Awaited Swimsuit Look Is Here!)
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