It is Saif Ali Khan's birthday and his superstar wife Kareena Kapoor chose the perfect photograph from their family album to wish him with. In the picture, Saif is seen wearing a navy blue pair of board shorts and sunglasses for the day by the pool. It may have been the actor's birthday but his actress wife stole the show. Kareena is pictured in a bright pink monochrome swimsuit with narrow straps and a plunging neckline. With her hair flying behind her and sun lending a golden glow, Kapoor looked like a Barbie who decided to spend the day soaking in the blue water seated by the pool.
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Last spring, the film family took off for a beach holiday and looked their finest in their fashionable swim looks. While we only got a glimpse of them from behind, it seems that Kareena, Karisma Kapoor and her daughter wore bikinis while the boys wore board shorts, all while watching the sea together.
Last year, Kareena also enjoyed a beach day with her youngest son Jehangir Ali Khan. While he build sandcastles on the shore, his actress mom was right behind him wearing a black swimsuit with a patterned waistband. With a wrist full of bangles and bare face on display, she looked lovely for the day by the sea.
Kareena Kapoor in her swim wear best is always a good idea.
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