There's an incredible bond that many Bollywood celebrities share with their siblings. Bhumi Pednekar just happens to be one of them. Bhumi and sister Samiksha Pednekar have more in common than just their strikingly similar looks. Samiksha and Bhumi are always glued to the hip and even on the former's birthday, we couldn't tell one from the other had we not seen their outfits. They're same-same but different in many ways and their outfits for the night for Samiksha's birthday are evidence of it. Birthday girl stuck to the classic black in the form of a slinky black co-ord set but gave it her edgy birthday girl touch with a pair of black Victorian gloves. The plunging v-neckline provided the perfect canvas for her layered chokers for accessories. Bhumi Pednekar on the other hand gave us the best of both worlds in chic neutrals for her monochrome route. Her corset top fused with matching cargo trousers made for a trendy casual chic party outfit that we didn't even know existed. The strapless sweetheart neckline of the corset bustier was perfect for her stacked chokers too. The Pednekar sisters went for mauve glam with their makeup topped with their signature winged eyeliners and soft wavy hair to make it a very happy birthday indeed.
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When the sister-duo is out and about in town, it needn't be a birthday party for a reason to dress up. Their existence is reason enough for a celebration and they sure dress the part too. On yet another weekend in the city, Samiksha and Bhumi Pednekar were seen in their stylish best and it didn't cost them thing at all. Samiksha continued her monochrome streak in an all-white co-ord set that included wide-leg trousers and a cold-shoulder ruffled crop top. Bhumi on the other hand upped the metallic spunk in a cropped denim jacket paired with black wide-leg trousers and a baguette bag.
The Pednekar sisters do share their love for fashion that's for sure.
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