Alia Bhatt has consistently managed to grab headlines these days for her mesmerising white saree looks while promoting her upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi. Well, the more you thought white could be dull or boring, the more Alia proved you wrong making the colour look classy and elegant as ever. After making some jaw-dropping fashion statements in white in Berlin, Alia is back in the town. And, this time her stop is Kolkata. For a promotional event, she dazzled in a pristine white cotton saree covered with intricate embroidery work all over the drape. She teamed it with a sheer white sleeveless blouse that shows a plunging v-neckline. For accessories, Alia added long dangler earrings that showed gemstones and pearls and a matching ring. For makeup, she opted for kohl-rimmed eyes and tinted lips. She styled her tresses in a side-parted sleek braided bun adorned with a white rose.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Stays Rooted To Traditions In A Shimmery White Saree In Berlin
Let's agree, we have come across some of the best ethnic looks served by Alia Bhatt in a variety of white sarees off late. When in Berlin, she wore another striking white saree by Rimple & Harpreet Narula as she walked the red carpet while promoting her film. Look at her giving the iconic pose from the movie in this ethnic piece of wonder with European lace shawl designs and hand-knotted silk dori macramé fringe at the pallu. She matched it with a strappy blouse for the modern twist. With perfect makeup and white roses tucked on the side of her bun, she looked great.
Alia Bhatt opted for a variety of white sarees while promoting one of the most anticipated films. She took the Internet by storm in this white satin silk saree adorned with black borders. Her black blouse showed a plunging neckline and white-hued piping. She picked oxidised jhumkas and a ring for the outing. With subtle makeup and her tiny black bindi, she aced the look like a true diva.
Alia Bhatt also chose to create some buzz around with floral designs as far as her white sarees are concerned. The actress draped another white saree that featured beautiful floral prints in shades of pink, green, and yellow. She teamed it with a matching blouse that had a closed round neckline. Her blouse was entirely covered with floral designs. She added silver jhumkas for accessories here and completed the look with her signature black bindi and white flowers in her hair.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Love For White Sarees Take A Floral Turn Just In Time For Spring
Once, Alia Bhatt also wore another white saree and made an ethnic statement worth remembering for a long time. She wore a white organza saree with golden borders and yellow floral designs at various places. With this, she slipped in a blouse with a plunging neckline. Alia adorned herself with silver earrings and left her straight hair open.
What do you think about Alia Bhatt wearing white sarees like a fashionista?
CommentsAlso Read: Alia Bhatt's Eternal Romance For White Sarees Is A Love Story Of A Different Kind