The GQ Best Dressed Awards took place in Mumbai's St Regis hotel last night and saw a star burst of celebrities from Bollywood circles. Both red carpet frequenters and rarely spotted faces turned up in their stylish best, taking the collective fashion quotient of the city up many notches. While the evening saw moments of sequin sparkle and pops of colour, the safe bet of black was unsurprisingly, a mainstay at the red carpet event. From Saiee Manjrekar to Fatima Sana Shaikh, a multitude of Bollywood celebrities picked the shade in various silhouettes and in the bargain, left us stunned. Here's a look at the most stylish celebrities in black ensembles at the GQ Best Dressed 2023 awards function.
Palak Tiwari stunned in a sheer black one-shoulder gown with a solid black tube top and skirt beneath. It was accented with rosettes, which is furthering the celebrity fashion trend that has recently begun. With strap heels, Palak wore her hair in an updo with neutral toned makeup.
(Also Read: When In Venice, Camila Mendes Served Sizzling Fashion With Her Black Gown)
Rakul Preet Singh wore a black velvet midi dress with long sleeves and a high neck. The magic came from the low, exposed back of the dress when she turned. She wore it with silver heeled mules and a tiny purse in her hand.
Shruti Haasan brought her signature Goth style to the red carpet in a sheer black gown with solid coloured shoulder pads. She wore a bustier and a skirt beneath the dress. She wore it with black lipstick, a shiny manicure and a bracelet on her wrist.
Vijay Varma picked a sheer black mesh shirt with an iridescent blazer worn over it. He paired it with black pants having a panel on the side, brogues on his feet and sunglasses as well.
(Also Read: Mouni Roy's Designer Little Black Dress Envelopes Her In Rs. 80K Worth Of Jacquemes Ruffles)
Standing apart from the rest of the red carpet looks was Saiee Manjrekar. With a black strapless gown, she wore a white shirt and black tie with a blazer on top. The unique combination of board room chic and red carpet pizzazz was a definite hit.
Fatima Sana Shaikh brought vintage glamour to the forefront with her black long sleeve gown. It came with embellishment over the neckline and a slit down the front, which met a long train behind. Wearing her hair in a very Naomi Campbell-esque style with pointed pumps, she allowed her outfit to do the talking.
It's always a hit and never a miss when it's a black ensemble on a Bollywood red carpet.
(Also Read: Gal Gadot's Little Black Dress Is Nothing Like The One In Your Wardrobe)