On Saturday night, the entire Bollywood glitterati attended the Animal success party. Stars ranging from Alia Bhatt to Anil Kapoor, and Bobby Deol to Vivek Oberoi walked down the red carpet. Amidst the dazzling crowd, some fashion icons stole the spotlight. The leading lady of Animal, Rashmika Mandanna. She opted for timeless elegance in a classic black dress, captivating everyone at the party. The floor-length number featured a strapless allure. The sequin work running all over the ensemble added oomph to her look. The detachable off-shoulder sleeves brought in some pizzazz, while a slit at the back introduced a hint of drama to Rashmika's appearance. The actress' luscious mane was styled in waves, and statement earrings added a super chic touch. The glossy lips, mascara-coated lashes, well-defined brows, and blushed cheeks completed her stunning OOTD.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's "Dopamine Dressing" At The Animal Success Party Is The Best Antidote To Winter Blues
Moving from one fashionista to another, Tamannaah Bhatia commanded attention with her incredibly stylish attire. She opted for a black and white corset top featuring spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline. The black lace detailing at the bust area added a touch of edge, while the white thread detailing at the torso provided the perfect finish. The chic ensemble was completed with a long black skirt, creating a perfect balance of sophistication and trendiness. Tamannaah's choice of accessories was all about pearls, featuring a mini pearl bag and oversized pearl earrings. Her tresses were styled in soft curls. For makeup, glossy pink lips, fluttery lashes, and rosy cheeks enhanced Tamannaah's natural beauty.
Saving the best for last, Khushali Kumar stole the spotlight in a stunning red sequined dress that hugged her curves like a dream. The dress exuded drama with its asymmetrical hemline, backless design, mini length, and strappy pattern. Khushali showcased both sophistication and a daring edge with this show-stopping outfit. Her straight hair, styled with a middle partition, added a sleek and polished touch to her overall look. The star's makeup team showcased their best work and ensured that she radiated glamour from every angle.
Which one of these fashion icons impressed you the most? Last but nowhere near the least was Ranbir Kapoor's leading lady Alia Bhatt who gave us a masterclass in dopamine dressing. Read all about it at the link below
Also Read: Alia Bhatt's "Dopamine Dressing" At The Animal Success Party Is The Best Antidote To Winter Blues