Festive season has just begun in full swing and Bollywood divas have been setting the right mood for the upcoming season with their gorgeous Indian wear. Gauahar Khan too is ready to inspire us with her fascinating ethnic wardrobe. She was recently seen in a pastel coloured lehenga choli from the clothing brand Bindani. The stunning ivory lehenga had golden embellishments and a gorgeous flare with intricate zari work at the hemline. The actor wore a short-sleeved blouse with the outfit which had a plunging neckline with similar work, embroidery and pattern. Gauahar completed the look with a breezy net dupatta in ivory. For accessories, the actor wore dangling earrings and opted for glamorous makeup with shimmery eyelids, kohled eyes and deep red lip colour.
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Gauahar Khan's ethnic closet is steal-worthy and here is yet another proof. The actor wore a gorgeous pink saree from the clothing brand Zari Banaras. The saree had zari borders and motifs throughout, which the actor teamed with a full-sleeved embroidered blouse in ivory. For accessories, the actor opted for a choker necklace and stud earrings. Tying her hair in a messy bun, she wore a dark lip colour and nude makeup, which perfectly complemented her drape.
Also Read: Gauahar Khan Dazzles So Bright In A Gorgeous Sequinned Gown
Gauahar Khan wore a striking indo-western attire at IIFA awards ceremony 2022. The ivory outfit from clothing brand Pallavi Mohan consisted of a full-sleeved crop top which featured a plunging neckline and power sleeves which the actor wore with a pre-draped saree showcasing a tulle pallu. Gauahar looked absolutely ravishing as she tied her mane in a neat bun and wore glamorous makeup with red lip colour and subtly kohled eyes.
Gauahar Khan is a pro fashionista when it comes to ethnic wear. We don't need any more proof.
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