IIFA 2022 was definitely a starry night with some phenomenal performances and a lot of well-dressed celebrities which got the fashion police hooked onto the Internet. Gauahar Khan was among the Bollywood divas who grabbed our eyeballs throughout the event. In Gauahar's latest picture on Instagram, the actor is seen wearing a ballroom gown with multi-coloured floral embellishments from designer label Sahil Kochhar. The tube gown had a beautiful flare with delicate flowers in shades of yellow, pink, orange, blue, white and green. The actor picked stud earrings as her only accessory. Opting for nude makeup, Gauahar left her silky mane loose, wore glossy nude lip colour and minimal makeup to let her gown stand out.
Gauahar Khan wore a stunning fusion ensemble in ivory from clothing brand Pallavi Mohan for the award ceremony at IIFA 2022. The fusion wear consisted of a puff sleeved blouse with a plunging sweetheart neckline in shades of pink with golden beadwork and sequins throughout. The blouse had dramatic cape sleeves with a long trail. Gauahar wore an ivory drape with a long trail to follow. For accessories, the actor wore a green studded necklace and adorned the look with minimal makeup, soft kohled eyes and glossy lip colour. Gauahar indeed looked enthralling in the outfit.
Also Read: Gauahar Khan To Come Up With Own Fashion Line
Gauahar Khan opted for a multi-coloured pantsuit as she arrived at Abu Dhabi for IFA 2022. The actor posted a picture on Instagram in a colourpop abstract printed pantsuit in shades of red, pink, blue and green. Gauahar teamed a full-sleeved blazer with collar and front pocket detailing with a pair of wide leg pants and sported a boss-lady look. Gauahar gave her hair a wet look as she wore it loose and accessorised the outfit with golden hoop earrings and nude heels. The actor painted her lips in bold brown to complement her attire.
We are in awe of Gauahar's swoon-worthy wardrobe choices.
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