Whether while attending parties or stepping out for film promotions, Shehnaaz Gill's sartorial sensibilities are always on the right track. At Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan's wedding reception, Shehnaaz definitely stole the limelight with her ethnic charm. Sprinkling some “gold and glitter” to her OOTD, she picked out a black sequinned saree from the shelves of designer Gaurav Gupta. The crisp pleats of the six-yard wonder ran across her torso, with the pallu cascading down in ruffled details. There was no doubt that she looked her charming best in the dazzling outfit. Delivering oomph and panache was the golden sweetheart-neckline blouse. Shehnaaz let her attire do all the talking as she opted for minimal accessories. A bronzed makeover, comprising contoured cheeks, nude glossy lips, and mascara-coated long lashes with shimmery-golden eyeshadow elevated her allure. She left her brunette tresses open for the ceremony.
Also Read: All That Glitters Is Shehnaaz Gill In A Golden Cutout Tarun Tahiliani Outfit
Saree truly brings out the best in a woman and Shehnaaz Gill is no different. For the promotions of Thank You For Coming, the actress turned muse to designer label Shanti Banaras. She was draped in a soft pink, floral-printed Benarasi silk saree in shades of red and yellow. Shehnaaz paired the six-yard staple with a sleeveless golden blouse, boasting intricate embroidery. Emerald stone-encrusted earrings and a statement ring, amped up her traditional avatar. In the makeup department, she went for a matte-glam look, featuring neutral tones. Glossy peach lips and muted smokey eyes gave the finishing touches to her elegant beauty.
Giving the Barbie core trend a desi spin, Shehnaaz Gill chose a hot-pink saree for a photoshoot. The bright ethereal number drew special attention because of the dramatic bow attached to the plunging neckline blouse. Emanating chic vibes in the outfit, Shehnaaz served a look of grace with a hint of modernity. The saree is the ideal pick for the Gen Z population who wish to adopt an ethnic style but not miss out on the vogue factor. Blushed-contoured cheeks, pink lips, and a subtle eye makeover elevated the look. Messy open tresses rounded off her pink-toned look.
Which Shehnaaz Gill saree-torial pick is your favourite?
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