Shah Rukh Khan celebrates his 57th birthday today. The king of Bollywood has many titles under his belt. Being impeccably fashionable is just another feather in his cap. His dapper sense of dressing only grows better with each passing day. From red-carpet events to Bollywood parties, the King is sure to garb all the possible eyeballs when he makes an appearance. Leaving every person present, crushing on him, Shahrukh's sense of style is also admirable. On the occasion of his birthday, let us look at the star's love for denims. Here are 7 times the actor made style statements in denims and left us swooned.
Also Read: Who Wore What At Shah Rukh Khan's 52nd Birthday Bash
Shah Rukh Khan was recently spotted in the city wearing a pair of distressed patchwork denims and a basic black t-shirt. His long black jacket added to his cool quotient which we're sure he packed more of in his large Louis Vuitton backpack.
He is going to back in the movies but for Raees promotions some years ago, Shah Rukh Khan slayed the denim-on-denim look effortlessly. He wore a classic blue denim jacket with a plain white t-shirt and black denims. His pair of trendy sunglasses added a stylish edge to his look.
Shah Rukh Khan was seen wearing a ultra-glam The Dust of God's jacket gifted to him by Karan Johar. He paired it with a pair of yellow ochre cargo pants. The actor simply looked flawless.
Shah Rukh Khan posted a picture with Gauri Khan, Aryan Khan and AbRam Khan in the most stylish pair of denims as the family celebrated Independence Day. The actor was seen in a basic white t-shirt with a pair of black denim pants. He knows how to dress them well, regardless of the occasion.
Yet another time Shah Rukh Khan shared his picture in denims was when he opted for a dark blue denim jacket with a basic white t-shirt and cargo pants and stole our hearts, once again.
Shah Rukh Khan shared a picture with Dua Lipa in a pair of stunning denim pants and teamed it with an uber stylish checkered shirt. We cannot miss his pair of trendy sunglasses, which made him look even more charming.
Shaleena Nathani, had shared a number of pictures of Shah Rukh Khan in denim jackets and we were completely bowled over by the actor's effortless style.
Shahrukh Khan's dressing is as flawless as his acting and there is a reason, he is the King!