We're extending joyous birthday wishes by singing happy birthday to Trisha Krishnan. Popularly known as Trisha, the South Indian film actress has acted in numerous Tamil and Telugu movies which include Bhooloham and Bujjigadu. From being a pageant winner of the Miss Chennai crown in 1999 to stealing hearts with her film appearances, Trisha Krishnan has always had the most effortlessly elegant style which doesn't try too hard to stick with trends or stay in the limelight. On the occasion of Trisha Krishnan's birthday, we're looking back at her style moments as seen on Instagram.
When she was 'Octobering', she did it in a peach printed kurti with silver dangling earrings and kohl lined eyes with her straight silken hair.
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Her version of Sunday cheer was mighty stylish in a printed shirt tucked into black bottoms and paired with reflective sunglasses.
She called the day she won Miss Chennai 1999 the one that changed her life, when she wore a shimmering beige gown with glossy lips and a glittering tiara.
For Diwali, Trisha wore a printed red kurta with a green and gold neck piece. Her staple beauty look of a bindi, dark kohl lined eyes and straight hair finished it perfectly.
She looked absolutely resplendent with shiny straight hair and full brows in a selfie.
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