Tis' the weekend again, and yet again, it finds you exhausted and too lazy to do anything. The week has been crazy tiring and all you can think of doing right now is stay in bed. Netflix and chill. Movie night. The likes.
But here are a few other things you can do to treat yourself this weekend, so that you end up feeling much more refreshed and charged by Monday morning.
1. Get a massage
If even the thought of it make you sigh in pleasure and relief, totally go for it. Go on, you know you have earned it. And the peaceful sleep that will follow will be amazing.
2. Clean your room
If your room looks like a war zone after a whole week of work and going out, take this weekend to clean the whole mess up. No really, all the de-cluttering will soothe you and leave your space more clean.
3. Go to your favorite restaurant
...by yourself. Treat yourself to some amazing food, some dessert, and some well deserved 'me-time'.
4. Binge watch shows
Nothing like parking yourself in front of the TV or your laptop and binge watching shows. Order in some chinese food or pizza, and some beers to go.
5. Call a friend over for a sleepover
We all know how hard it can be to make plans sometimes, what with everyone's busy schedules. And every place gets so crowded over the weekend. So how about call a friend over and have a chill scene.
6. Go for a run
Get your fix of physical activity, release those happy hormones. You will feel so calm after. And bonus, you got some exercise yo!
7. Or meditate
The thing this generation can use a lot of. We can all use some inhaling of good vies and exhaling bad energy.
8. Bake or cook
Get those baking gloves, and or apron out and get to work in the kitchen because not only is cooking going to hone your life skill but also it is very therapeutic.
9. Buy something for yourself
Online shopping For The Win! You have had a tough month and since salary is right around the corner, go treat yourself to a present, you have totally earned it.