Hina Khan makes her fans go gaga over her sartorial choices, may it be the red-carpet moments or festive looks. But her fashion over the ramp is simply unmatchable. The diva walked the ramp for designer Archana Kochhar at the Times Fashion Week in Pune and grabbed all the eyeballs in a lehenga. The gorgeous lehenga belonged to the "Mauryan" collection of the designer and consisted of a breezy flared lehenga with golden threadwork on the base of black. She teamed it up with a black and gold blouse with ruffled short sleeves, a plunging neckline and cutout details at the midriff. She carried a ruffled stole with her outfit. A pair of dangling earrings, glammed-up makeup and a messy hairdo is what complemented Hina's outfit.
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Hina Khan recently wore a lace lehenga from the designer label Shehla Khan which had intricate floral lace work throughout its beautiful flare with a backless spaghetti top in blush pink featuring a plunging neckline and shimmery sequin work over it. She accessorised the look with a studded necklace, a bracelet and a statement ring. Hina's glammed-up dewy makeup included shimmery eyelids, kohl-rimmed eyes, well-contoured cheeks and glossy pink lips as she left her tresses loose in beachy waves.
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Hina Khan was the showstopper for designer Bhawna Goenka at the Bombay Times Fashion Week. Her gorgeous lehenga in sunshine yellow had multicoloured embellishments throughout the flare with delicate motifs and mirror work. She teamed it with a strappy blouse having a plunging neckline. The blouse had delicate mirror work with sequins throughout. Hina's accessories included studded headgear over her messy ponytail, dangling earrings and a stack of traditional gold bangles.
We admire Hina Khan's ethnic collection.
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