Huma Qureshi had been busy shooting and later promoting her latest show Maharani which released on the OTT platform on 25th August 2022. The actor made striking style statements throughout the promotions wearing ultra-stylish outfits. For her latest photoshoot, Huma wore a chic co-ord set in multicoloured floral print in shades of white, yellow, pink, blue which grabbed our attention. The co-ord set consisted of a crop top featuring power sleeves and a plunging neckline. The actor teamed it with a flowy maxi skirt in the same pattern, colour palette and print. She went all out with boho accessories opting for a series of necklaces, statement rings and dangling earrings. For makeup, she opted for shimmering eyelids, kohl-laden eyes, glam makeup and glossy pink lip colour.
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Huma Qureshi does not shy away from wearing bold prints and making fashion experiments. The actor was seen wearing a black and white printed pantsuit which consisted of a full sleeve collared blazer and a pair of chic straight fit pants. The overlap detailing of the blazer and rolled up sleeves looked super stylish. Huma paired the outfit with a chunky gold choker necklace and a pair of gold earrings. She wore black, strappy heels with the outfit. The actor opted for shimmery makeup and glossy lip colour to go with her look.
Also Read: Huma Qureshi's Chic Green Swimsuit Is Doing A Great Job At Beating The Monsoon Blues
In yet another promotional activity Huma Qureshi was seen adorning a summery maxi dress. The outfit from Zara was in olive green colour with white floral print all over it. The off-shoulder outfit had attached puff sleeves and featured a sweetheart neckline. The actor accentuated the look with a pair of oversized golden hoops. Leaving her mane loose in a sleek hairstyle, Huma's minimal rosy makeup was perfect for the summer days.
Huma Qureshi was seen adorning a colourful co-ord that definitely received a few head turns. The co-ord from clothing brand Reik consisted of a pair of chic pants and a full-sleeved jacket with multicoloured quirky prints. Huma wore a bright yellow bralette with the jacket. Leaving her mane loose in soft curls, Huma's glossy lip colour, minimal glam makeup were perfect with her bold look.
Which is your favourite Huma Qureshi look?