Wedding season in Bollywood brings with it a whole host of ethnic styles. Alanna Panday, Ananya Panday's very minimal chic cousin sister, is ready to tie the knot with her longtime boyfriend in Mumbai and notably, you know exactly where to find Bollywood's biggest stars today. Our focus, however, remains on Suhana Khan. Long before her big Bollywood debut, Suhana Khan has already entered the fashion world in style. For the wedding season, she goes the ethnic chic route in a sheer white saree that presumably aligns with designer duo Falguni Shane Peacock's design language. The liner sequinned design on a sheer net saree paired with a strappy white blouse with matching beadwork. She leaves her hair open and her makeup minimal, just how she likes it. She carries a beige box clutch to complete her look to ensure she arrives and leaves in style.
Also Read: We're Deeply, Madly In Love With Suhana Khan's White Off-Shoulder Dress
Festive seasons bring out the best of ethnic styles brought to us by Suhana Khan. Celebratory lights can guide you anywhere you go, but a glittering gold saree surely helps. Suhana Khan treads the same path in a gold saree from Manish Malhotra's shelves to show us how it is done!
A golden saree easily became Suhana Khan's one-stop destination during the festive months and we see why. When she turned firecracker in a Falguni Shane Peacock saree, with minimal effort she created a maximal effect on everyone around.
Also Read: Suhana Khan's Love For Black Dresses Reaches Dubai In A Slinky Halter Version
Metallic sarees are a favourite to dance the night away for your best friend in. But can any trump the beauty of a gorgeous red saree? Try us!
Up until now, Suhana Khan's bodycon dresses were ruling our charts. But going by recent developments, we'll probably have to give her sarees a special room.
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