A movie screening that took place in Mumbai last night brought out the Bollywood stars in full form despite the ongoing heat wave. One of them was Sanjana Sanghi. The young Bollywood actress was seen at the event last night and looked functionally fashionable to beat the hot summer night in style. Sanjana opted for a beige coloured bodysuit which had a single shoulder detail and cutouts over the midriff. Over it was a pair of cream trousers worn high on her waist. Sanjana wore the neutral monochrome look with a pair of tan colour platform heels. Glints of gold were visible with her gold hoop earrings, bracelets and gold chain strap of her matching quilted shoulder bag. The heat wave got nothing on Sanjana Sanghi's super cool summer style.
(Also Read: Sanjana Sanghi In A Silk Pantsuit Shows Us How To Nail The Trend)
Previously, she wore a beige coloured crop top and paired it with rust toned trousers for a magically muted look. Sanjana opted for white sneakers and completed the outfit with her hair loose and black sunglasses added in. She also knows perfectly well how to add a bit of vibrance to an otherwise muted outfit.
Her summer style is set to go miles this season, there's no denying that. So when she picked a cutout white collared shirt with matching white trousers and paired it with an orange bandeau top, she showed us how she could add pops of colour to her summer dressing.
(Also Read: Nothing Looks Better Than Sanjana Sanghi Having Breakfast In The Pool In A Chic Cutout Swimsuit)