The pleated saree has become a springtime favourite of Bollywood. After Rakul Preet Singh, we have Akansha Ranjan Kapoor who wowed us with her ethnic wonder. The actress is always fashionably on point. She makes impeccable fashion choices and we simply love them. For Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul's wedding, Akansha picked a mauve pleated saree by designer Dhruvi Panchal. Her sleeveless blouse, laced with pastel floral embroidery and a scoop neckline, brought style to her fashion outing. To complement her embroidered blouse, she wore floral studs, diamond rings and a bracelet. Akansha prefers to keep things simple when it comes to glam.
Also Read: Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Multiplies Festive Pizzazz In A Glittery Gold Saree
Akansha Ranjan Kapoor raised the temperature on social media when she posted these jaw-dropping photos from a party. She made our hearts pop out, in a pastel pink sheer number, which was paired with a blingy sleeveless blouse. Akansha opted for coral cheeks, matte mauve lips, and shimmery pink eyes and finished off with minimal accessories.
Akansha Ranjan Kapoor is the perfect bridesmaid. Last year, she attended her best friend Alia Bhatt's wedding and we have bookmarked all her looks. For the mehendi ceremony, Akansha wore a pastel yellow saree with white thread embroidery around the borders. She added a lacy white blouse with a plunging neckline. A bunch of silver bangles was the only accessory Akanahsa needed. Her hair was left open with one sleek braid.
Also Read: Akansha Kapoor In An Ultra-Glam Pastel Green Corset Dress Will Make You Wish It Was You In It
A Sabyasachi saree grabs our attention from a mile away. Akansha elevated the grace of this pastel green drape like it was nobody's business. Her sheer ethnic wonder featured peach floral prints all over with a golden gota border. Underneath, she added a full sleeve close-neck blouse. Her accessories were golden jhumkas with green stone detailing. Akansha completed it with soft glow makeup and tresses tied in a bun.
How stunning does Akansha Ranjan Kapoor look in this printed black Raw Mango saree? A close-neck blouse featuring similar white rose prints was paired well with the traditional wear.
Next time when you have to play bridesmaid, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor's closet should be your one-stop solution for all things fashion.
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