Khushi Kapoor effortlessly nails every outfit that she wears. From tried-and-tested mini dresses to bold ensembles, the star kid has already become a fashion icon. Before we can see her debut in Zoya Akhtar's The Archies, Khushi has treated us to a rather exquisite vintage look of hers. She posted photos in which she is dressed in a bodycon golden sequin dress. The halter neckline is a perfect match for the open back feature of the dress. Khushi looks absolutely chic in her ensemble. What's more? She gave it a vintage touch with dramatic eyeliner wings and cherry red lip tint. She styled her hair into a sleek top bun while leaving a few locks loose along her forehead. For accessories, she chose ear studs.
(Also Read: Khushi Kapoor Is Sunshine On Any Given Day In A Bright Yellow Co-Ord Set)
Khushi Kapoor knows how to keep her style on point, always. Take a look at her chocolate brown ruched mini dress. The one-shoulder dress featured a keyhole detail running parallel to the slanted neckline. She carried a black handbag to go with the ensemble.
Khushi Kapoor can leave us mesmerised in a pink dress too. She did so during her birthday party. Khushi picked a bodycon ankle-length dress. The strappy number flattered a cowl neckline. Khushi paired the dress with light pink sandals and crystal loop earrings.
Here's another time Khushi Kapoor gave us some major fashion goals. She jumped into the cottage core fashion trend when she wore a white dress with micro floral prints. The dress featured a straight neckline with string detail. Puffy sleeves perfected the look.
Khushi Kapoor's glam dress collection includes a ravishing silver sequin piece. The straps are studded with crystals while the floor-length dress is a work of art with embroidery and sequin details. A V-neckline and thigh-high slit amped up the look. The dress also had a short trail. Khushi paired this ensemble with silver high heel sandals and ruby ear studs. Red lips and blush makeup, along with side-swept loose tresses, completed the look.
When it comes to fashion, Khushi Kapoor is a trendsetter and we love her style sensibilities.
Comments(Also Read: For Khushi Kapoor, Mini Skirts Are Meant For All Seasons. Winter Too!)