Disha Patani made her directorial debut with the music video Kyun Karu Fikar. Making it doubly better is that she has also starred in it. While the melody is catchy as ever, it's her fashion quotient that is captivating us. In the music video, Y2K style is seen at the forefront of the frames. One of Disha's look included a flared cutout dress in a ravishing shade of red. Another look saw her skate through palm-dotted while wearing a pink corset and pleated skirt to match. On the sand, Disha picked a printed mini dress to cavort in. We couldn't afford to miss her lace cutout dress while she frolicked on the sandy beach. From bold appeal to breezy beach wear, her picks throughout are a fashion feast for the eyeballs.
(Also Read: Disha Patani Glistened Brighter Than The Stars In A Thigh-High Slit Dolly J Lehenga)
Disha also shared close-ups of herself from the shoot. From the frothy yellow tulle dress to the light-streaked luminescent glow she showcased throughout, it's the actress' snazzy style like you've never seen it before. Isn't it so hard to take your eyes off her?
Recently, model Aleksandar Alex Ilic, famous as Disha Patani's BFF, recently pulled off something that's totally jaw-dropping. He got a giant tattoo of Disha Patani's face inked on his arm. FYI: Rumours of Aleksandar and Disha Patani's relationship have been doing the rounds on the internet for a while now. The two are often spotted leaving restaurants and gym together. The artist behind the tattoo has now spilled the beans and shared the elaborate inking process in an Instagram post. In the tattoo, we could spot a tribal look of the actress wearing a feathered crown, her eyes were inked in a blue hue. The glorious tattoo tribute has got the internet talking. Not to mention, it added fuel to the dating rumours.
Disha Patani is always setting trends, with music videos or tattoos.
Comments(Also Read: All That Disha Patani Needs To Reign Supreme On The Red Carpet Is A Cutaway Pink Draped Dress)