Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 41st birthday yesterday and Nick Jonas put up an adorable Instagram post wishing his wife. The picture was taken on a holiday and had the clear ocean in the background. She wore a stunning halter neck polka dot maxi dress in black and white. He opted for a casual look as he wore a sleeveless blue T-shirt. While the actress wore a pair of trendy white sunglasses, the singer chose classic brown ones. She accessorised the look with gold hoop earrings and kept her makeup minimal.
Also Read: 5 Things Priyanka Chopra Desired In A Partner And How Nick Jonas Met The Criteria
Priyanka's casual fashion and impeccable style have been winning hearts for a long time. She picked a neutral-toned co-ord set for an outing with daughter Malti Marie. The beige outfit consisted of a bralette, a full-sleeved cardigan that she carried over it, and a pair of flared pants all in the same colour palette. The diva wore a baseball cap, a pair of brown sunglasses, and sports shoes and kept her makeup minimal. The little one looked absolutely adorable in her animal-print jumper.
Also Read: Malti Marie Is On Her Way To Becoming A Micro Fashionista As She Tries On Her "First Fascinator"
For yet another outing, Priyanka and Nick proved that their casual dressing was uber chic. While she wore a dark blue denim shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a pair of shorts, he wore a muted-toned short-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of pastel shorts. The actress wore a baseball cap in black and the singer contrasted it in white. Their daughter looked fashionable in a frilled dress with a chic hat.
Priyanka Chopra's notable fashion choices have made an entry into our stylebooks, yet again.
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