We are still not over the glamorous ethnic outfits chosen by Bollywood celebrities for Eid 2022 celebrations. Nailing this summer's popular neon trend was Sonakshi Sinha in a sequined saree in lime colour. The designer drape was from the clothing brand ITRH and had sequined detailing throughout. The floor-sweeping drape was paired with a tube blouse in similar pattern and colour by Sonakshi. The actor picked silver studded earrings and rings to accesorise the monochromatic neon look. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Sonakshi wore nude makeup with winged eyes, shimmering eyelids and brown matte lipstick. Neon has become the favourite summer trend recently, as we have seen Sara Ali Khan, Tara Sutaria, Farah Khan and Malaika Arora slaying some neon outfits.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha Slays A Neon Co-Ord Set On Her Beach Day
Not too long ago, Sonakshi Sinha posted a picture on Instagram from a photoshoot. She wore an all-green outfit from Gauri and Nainika. The body-hugging long-sleeved gown in lush green had puff sleeves, plunging neckline, wrap detailing at the waistline and a dramatic slit at the side. Sonakshi wore golden hoop earrings, golden kada and black heels to complement her monotone look. Leaving her tresses in a silky mane, the actor opted for nude makeup and matte lip colour.
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha In A Green Co-Ord Set Proves That No One Does Beach Days Better
For yet another photoshoot, Sonakshi Sinha opted for a striking co-ord set in olive green colour from clothing brand Asra. The three-piece co-ord set consisted of a spaghetti crop top which she wore with a pair of wide leg pants. Sonakshi carried a long full-sleeved jacket in the same olive green colour over the outfit. Sonakshi picked a golden choker and strappy block heels to go with the outfit. Monochromatic outfits are trending currently as we saw Palak Tiwari, Jacqueline Fernandez and Tara Sutaria in some monochrome outfits recently.
Sonakshi Sinha is giving us some dressing inspiration.
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