Kareena Kapoor's off-duty style has always been a fashion treat for style lovers. She is the ultimate fashion queen of Bollywood and there is no denying it. With the winter season almost here, the actress is giving us a sneak peek of her style as she strikes a pose by the fireplace. In a chic Prada jacket and black leather bottoms, Kareena Kapoor is taking winter style one notch higher. She recently posted a picture of herself and captioned it as, "The fireplace season. My favourite time of the year is here." We totally agree with the diva! She completed her look with stunning black boots as she made a case for an all-black outfit.
Kareena Kapoor is the absolute OG as far as her style is concerned. Whether she is vacationing or walking the red carpet, the actress has been upbeat with her style choices. In a stunning denim shirt and chic jeans, Kareena's vacation fashion was on point. She paired the look with a sleeveless jacket and shades to complete the look.
Redefining chic casual style is actress Kareena Kapoor in a stunning white oversized hoodie and baggy jeans. She completed the look with casual white sneakers and a pair of shades as she kept it aesthetically cool.
We love Kareena Kapoor's chic regular style but her ultimate glam numbers have our heart too. In yet another gorgeous number, the actress was an absolute sight to behold. She adorned a silver metallic dress which featured a deep V0neckline, and she accessorised the look with a statement box clutch.