Janhvi Kapoor walks and breathes fashion. Be it a photoshoot or the red carpet, her sartorial prowess always steals the spotlight. The actress recently headlined a Coca-Cola TVC and we could not help but take note of her chic sensibilities in the video. In the commercial, Janhvi followed the product's colour code, wearing a sleeveless red corset top. The plunging neckline and cropped hem were the X-factor. Adding a dash of modernity to the fit, she slipped into a pair of beige cargo trousers. Janhvi's makeup game complemented her minimally edgy avatar. She went for a dewy base, dabbing her cheeks with blush. Pink-tinted lips, dark kohl-rimmed eyes, mascara-coated lashes, and subtle shimmery lids doubled up her beauty quotient. Golden hoops, statement rings, and luscious locks left open in all their glory sealed her fashionable outing.
(Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor And Kriti Sanon In Extravagant Satin Ball Gowns Embody The Spirit Of Sophistication)
On a trip to the Maldives, Janhvi Kapoor dished out tropical-style goals. She put on a silk scarf top in the shades of lavender. The strapless ensemble was doused with ample white prints. Guess what delivered a risque element? The V-shaped hem with a cropped feature and was paired with distressed denim shorts with loose white fabric below. For makeup, the diva opted for glossy lips and glittery eyeshadow, coupled with full lashes offering some sparkle. As always, her brunette tresses were left cascading down in waves.
Want a perfect blend of stylish silhouettes with feminine allure? Janhvi Kapoor is here to help. For a photoshoot, the actress showed us how to dress for a romantic date in a strap white mini dress. The sweetheart neckline of the form-fitting bustier plunged into a cinched waist, with the creases making the fit all the more enchanting. Pearl-encrusted earrings gleaming through her messy updo summed up her OOTD grandeur.
Janhvi Kapoor will be our forever fashion guide.
Comments(Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor's Chic White Structured Pantsuit From Sridevi's Closet Paired Fabulously With Her "Shiku" Necklace)