Apart from acting, Janhvi Kapoor has carved a niche for herself in the fashion world. Her Instagram is replete with glimpses from various photoshoots and other stylish moments of her life. She is a trendsetter who makes us go gaga over every outfit she decides on wearing. Celebrity stylist Chandini Whabi shared fresh snippets of the actress and made us swoon. Janhvi pulled off an animal-printed co-ord set like a true-blue fashionista. Her attire consisted ofa stunning top and a matching long pencil skirt. Her slip-in midriff-baring top showcased a backless pattern and the skirt hugged her defined figure. She accessorised herself with hoop earrings, a heavy bracelet and rings. With shimmery eyeshadow and nude lips, she left her hair open.
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When Janhvi Kapoor wears a glamorous look, better believe it's going to be anything but basic. Recently, Janhvi got ready for an event and picked a sparkling mirrorwork column gown that helped her accentuate the curvaceous figure. Her outfit with thin straps featured a sweetheart plunging neckline. She complemented her look with bronze eyes and nude lips. With her hair centre-parted hair, she looked good.
Janhvi Kapoor often shares glimpses of her stylish outfits and boy, she appears graceful in all of them. We couldn't stop admiring her when she wore a metallic strappy crop top that came adorned with seashells all over. Her top also featured a cut-work design at the hem. She wore it with a short skirt. With dangler earrings and rings, she was good to go.
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Janhvi Kapoor is a complete enchantress and knows how to rule hearts with her mesmerising fashion sense. She wore an off-shoulder black dress with a body-hugging silhouette and ruched pattern. She just took earrings and a ring for accessories. All she needed was a winged eyeliner and nude shade on her lips to add finesse to her overall look.
Janhvi Kapoor is known for her eloquent fashion sensibilities. She shined like gold in a beautiful mini dress. Her ensemble showcased a halter neckline and cutouts. She completed her look with shimmery eyeshadow and nude lips. With her hair styled in soft waves, she looked smart.
Janhvi Kapoor is the best when it comes to fashion and we love seeing her in a variety of outfits.
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