Janhvi Kapoor has an incredible knack to make everything look drop dead gorgeous on her. It's not surprising for her to make heads turn then obviously. Her backless dresses require a star-studded show during every stylish appearance. Janhvi Kapoor's "May so far" looks every bit chic and lit thanks to her sparkly backless dresses. A balance in her every bit fabulous flair, Janhvi Kapoor's aerial yoga comes with a fair share bit of her dazzling night-outs where we see not one but two of them. Her halterneck sparkly form-fitting dress could make any day of any week a fabulous lit one. Even though her dress steals the show, we can't help but miss her classic makeup with a feline eyeliner and a neutral lip. If there is one thing we know for sure, then that's how Janhvi Kapoor could easily make you turn back to look at her all the time.
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"May so far" for Janhvi Kapoor is in fact twice as good and we don't catch a glimpse of just one gown but her very snazzy backless top and glittery silver skirt pairing either.
Janhvi Kapoor simply cannot miss a chic backless moment and her fashionable choices all across her Instagram account are proof. Janhvi has been making heads turn in her sparkly halterneck top with a bright pair of pink trousers.
Also Read: No Star In The Sky Shines As Bright As Janhvi Kapoor In A Shimmery Sequin Gown
Whether she is playing muse in backless blouses with her festive lehengas...
Or chasing sunsets in backless holographic swimsuits...
Janhvi Kapoor is just casually living her life in such a fashionable way that you cannot miss a second to turn around and look at her one final time.
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