Janhvi Kapoor's red carpet style has a growing fan following; by the looks of it, it's not stopping anytime soon. A quick look at her recent appearance is proof of why Janhvi Kapoor is at an all-time high now more than ever. For the Filmfare Awards 2023, her outfit choice of the night will make our point of conviction. She wore a voluminous deep purple gown with flouncy details which only Janhvi Kapoor could do justice to. Right from the strapless neckline to the additional statement skirt attached to it, it had red carpet glam written all over it. The hair and makeup highlighted her face's best features and were the perfect addition to her outfit that perfectly complemented it all. The choker necklace served the purpose of adding just the right bling touch to this gorgeous Gauri and Nainika creation. If you will make heads turn, you may as well do it the Janhvi Kapoor way.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor In A Cutout Black Gown Is The Entirety Of A Hot Red Carpet Moment
Janhvi Kapoor has had a set of busy consecutive nights this week. If there aren't chic glittery elements, it is perfectly complete with cutouts. She made us go green in a cutout gown for the GQ Most Influential Young Indians to make a fresh start to the awards season.
Black gowns are a favourite for obvious reasons and Janhvi Kapoor shows us how to go about the night in one with her cutout pick. The sleeveless black dress is dark glam and done the right way. For the promotions of the Filmfare Awards as a performer, the sleeveless black dress is dark glam done the right way with a grazingly deep plunging neckline just one of the specks.
Janhvi Kapoor is a red carpet favourite and that's just the truth we all must live with.
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