Janhvi Kapoor wears the crown for ethereal beauty when she puts her trust in traditional attire. Jahnhvi has once again hit the right chord with her ensembles in Devara: Part 1's new song Dheere Dheere, the Hindi version of Chuttamalle. Featuring Janhvi and Jr NTR, the song, which debuted on Monday, is already going viral for Janhvi's saree-torial choices. Janhvi Kapoor can be seen wearing a blue cotton saree. The actress paired it with a brown blouse featuring a plunging neckline and puffed sleeves. It's an unusual combination but one that Janhvi Kapoor can make work. She accessorised this look with a pendant, oxidised earrings, a waist chain, a bindi and a kada in one hand. For makeup, Janhvi opted for natural makeup with pigmented brows, thick mascara, lightly blushed cheeks and brown lipstick. Jr NTR, on the other hand, was seen in a printed shirt with black pants.
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For the second look, Janhvi Kapoor wore a single-strap rust-red blouse with a matching dhoti. The accessories and makeup remained somewhat the same for this attire. The actress left her locks loose in both outfits. Jr NTR opted for a palm tree print shirt with black pants for his second look.
Janhvi Kapoor turned into an enchanting apsara for the cover of this film. The half sarees, still consistent took an ethereal turn when it was pristine in white.
There isn't much that Janhvi Kapoor can't put her stylish spin on.
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