While Janhvi Kapoor's Bawaal continues to make noise in the entertainment world, she made a striking entry at Manish Malhotra's bridal couture fashion show. The actress looked like a walking disco ball in a two-piece outfit, designed by Manish Malhotra himself. It consisted of an embellished bralette and a bodycon skirt that hugged her curves just the right way. The bralette had these sleek straps and a v-neckline that was just enough to keep you wanting more. Every inch of her outfit was covered in sequins. Keeping the accessory game minimal, the actress opted for a gorgeous pair of earrings and golden footwear. Complementing the glamorous fit was her subtle nude glam and middle-parted hair, which elegantly cascaded down her shoulders.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor Sparkles Brighter In A Rs 4.26 Lakh Holographic Gown For Bawaal Premiere
Janhvi Kapoor recently took the red carpet by storm at the Bawaal premiere. In a jaw-dropping holographic gown, she got fashionistas fainting with envy. The masterpiece was originally designed by the legendary Marc Bouwer and it came with a price tag of Rs 4.75 lakhs. From the fashion vaults of 1989, the silver gown now made a comeback with a trendy twist. The gown, which hugged Janhvi in the right places, featured a sweetheart neckline that got everyone swooning. Her beauty game was on point. With minimal makeup and no flashy accessories, Janhvi knew her ensemble itself was enough to make a jaw-dropping fashion statement.
Also Read: The Many Moods Of The Fashionable Janhvi Kapoor In A Lemon Tweed Mini Cutout Dress
Janhvi Kapoor just can't resist the allure of sparkle, and she proved it yet again during the promotions of Bawaal. The actress picked a bodycon dress covered in sequins. But wait, there's more. The snazzy number was adorned with fabulous floral detailing in peppy tones of yellow and pink, popping against a sleek black base. With minimal matte glam and lustrous locks, it was pizzazz all the way. It is safe to say that no one slays the glitter game as Janhvi Kapoor does.
Janhvi Kapoor will be next seen in Mr and Mrs Maahi, co-starring Rajkummar Rao.
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