Actress Kirti Kulhari's sense of style is an absolute riot. The talented actress has certainly brightened up our Friday with a sizzling visual from her latest outing. Setting temperatures soaring, Kirti shared a picture of herself sporting only an unbuttoned denim biker jacket and black high-waist pants. The risque look by Kirti left us wonder struck. Her makeup was on point giving her face a lovely glow with touches of shimmery highlighter. Her hairdo was simple and voluminous at the crown and styled straight.
Swirlster Picks Denim Shirts For Women
(Also Read: When Kirti Kulhari Dressed Up For A Mehendi In A Striped Kurta Set)
Kirti Kulhari's sartorial fashion sense is very girl-next-door. The beautiful actress dresses in comfy-yet-trendy clothing that will inspire you. Don't believe us? We have proof. Kirti shared a picture of herself from the set of an upcoming project dressed in uber comfy and casual attire. The actress put a preppy spin on a regular half sleeve yellow t-shirt by pairing it with a black and white print mini skirt. Kirti picked gladiator-style footwear to complement her breezy outfit.
Kiriti Kulhari looked ultra mod in a contemporary style pant-suit combo. The actress wore a blue full sleeve pant-suit with pink stripes. She chose a ruby red trench coat with pink floral motifs on it, draped casually over her shoulders to complete the look. Kirti's tresses were styled in a middle-parted bun. Her makeup was minimal, giving her face a dewy glow. Don't miss the pop of neon pink mascara on her eyes. For this look, Kirti picked a metallic chain-style necklace along with metallic rings on her fingers for accessories.
Kirti Kulhari channelled major boho-chic meets grunge vibes for this next one. We cannot get over the all-black ensemble of denim hot pants with a baggy sleeveless top and bralette. Kirti went with a black choker for accessories. She also picked a dark maroon lip colour which added to the bohemian vibe of the outfit. If you were looking for what to wear at a concert, this look by Kirti Kulhari is just perfect.
Not sure what to wear for a chill day out? Sometimes all you need is a pretty top paired with classic denim jeans, just like Kirti Kulhari. The actress dazzled us with her sunny smile in simple baby pink and white striped top along with faded blue ripped denim jeans.
So which one are planning to bookmark?
(Also Read: Kirti Kulhari's Graphic Print Saree Is Perfect For A Fusion Look)
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