No one — and we repeat, no one — can make a saree look as sensuous as actress Vidya Balan. At a time when the industry was all about the ball gowns and slip dresses, it was Vidya who wholeheartedly embraced the Indian saree and even took it to the international stage during her appearance at the Cannes film festival. And despite rocking sarees for years now, the actress always manages to keep it different with each of her appearances. For instance, the actress who is basking in the success of her film Sherni paid an ode to the movie by wearing a saree with printed tiger motifs. If that was not quirky enough, the entire saree is a striped number in pink and green tones. Since the blouse is designed from the same garment, the actress went for a plunging neckline to break the monotony of the design. Vidya further took the fashion quotient of the Torani saree up a notch by trying her hair in a bun and opted for thick gold loops. For makeup, the actress went with a matte base, kohl-rimmed eyes and brown lips. She was seen in black nail polish as well as some stunning gold finger rings. Sharing the image, she wrote, "Sherni loves her stripe."
Swirlster Picks Printed Sarees
(Also Read: Wear Your Many Moods In A Contemporary Saree Like Vidya Balan Does)
We also love how Vidya Balan styled this beige-black-red saree with stunning Indian prints. She paired this saree with a red Ajrakh print blouse that featured a high neck and three-quarter sleeves. She completed the look with a turquoise necklace and earrings. For this look, she was seen in a dewy makeup look with red lipstick, kohl-rimmed eyes and a bindi to tie the ensemble together.
In another tiger saree moment, Vidya was seen in a lovely printed number from the brand Aishr. The saree featured a striking tiger print, interspersed with floral designs and other abstract designs that made it a bold pick. She let the saree do all the talking and kept it minimal with her accessories and opted for gold earrings. Striking a fierce look with her hair styled in a sleek bun, she wrote in the caption, 'Mood All day, Everyday.'
We love how Vidya rocks her sarees. Tell us which of her looks you like the best.
(Also Read: Vidya Balan Slays In A Floral Saree That Is Prettier Than Any Garden)
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