Ever since production began on Mental Hai Kya, the buzz around it has been constant. The unique flick is a psychological thriller that is set to release sometime this year. Part of the buzz has been around the movie posters with unusually eccentric visuals. Another part of it has revolved around Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao's pairing, a first since super hit Queen. Yet another has been about the looks in the film. Although not much is known about Mental Hai Kya, judging by its premise; the character's look especially Kangana's, can only be out of the ordinary. So we weren't disappointed when a brand new look of hers was revealed by Mumbai Mirror.
The image in question shows Kangana with a mop of tight brown curls that sit atop her head in what seems to be an updo or short crop. Her makeup is on the minimal side but accessories more than make up for it. In the photo, Kangana is wearing a pair of pink dangling earrings and large circular tinted sunglasses that cover the entirety of her face. A peek of her outfit shows a prim collared shirt with a floral layer over it. The star's look is designed by Sheetal Sharma and her hair is by Divya Naik and Brendon Degee. It may only be a single image for now but it's quite an interesting one that's far apart from what Bollywood usually brings us.
On or off the screen, Kangana is known to always make headlines in the style circuit. Whether it was in Fashion, as the titular role in Queen or as the headstrong Simran, sartorial sense has been an important part of her movie character's development. With Mental Hai Kya, that seems to be the case as well. Now we can't wait to hear more about it.