There is no doubt that Kareena Kapoor has an impeccable fashion sense. Reak life 'Poo', Kareena always manages to stun us with her wardrobe choices. And, the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) event was no different. It looked like it was just another red-carpet walk for the actress. Kareena opted for a navy-blue gown from the clothing brand, Shahab Durazi. The stylish number came with a figure-hugging bodice and a little flair below the waist. It featured a closed neckline, adorned with structural embroidery and pearls. The dramatic detailing of the ensemble made it stand out from the block. Diamonds and emeralds were Kareena's pick when it came to accessories. Her tresses were neatly pulled back in a pony. Brownish orange tones for the eyelids were complemented by that thick bold black eyeliner. Coral blush on the cheeks with highlighter on the cheekbones worked wonders. And, pink lips rounded off her look.
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On day 1 of the NMACC event, Kareena Kapoor wore a gorgeous red Anjul Bhandari lehenga, which was paired with a pair of gold-toned earrings. The tone-on-tone ensemble, consisting of a sleeveless blouse and matching lehenga skirt, came with loads of sparkle. She styled a red silk dupatta to elevate the drama quotient of the ensemble. To allow the ensemble to do all the talking, Kareena tied her mane in a bun and wore minimal and muted glam.
Kareena Kapoor never shies away from carrying an extra dose of bling and glamour. Her dual-toned (baby pink and off-white) sequin drape from the shelves of Bollywood's favourite designer Manish Malhotra is a testament to the statement. Underneath, she wore a wide-strap blouse with silver embellishments and a deep scoop neckline. A gorgeous pair of diamond earrings enhanced the glamour of her look. Kareena opted for pink-hue makeup which included shimmery pink eyelids with ample mascara on the eyelashes. Dewy skin with blushed cheeks and not to forget those glossy pink lips.
Kareena Kapoor's style is all things classic. She served ultra-glam style notes in this beautiful green shimmery gown. Her sea green number featured dramatic balloon sleeves and a stunning slit which gave a stylish edge to the overall look. A sleek necklace complemented her glittery fit. To top it off, she added a super elegant bun and minimal glam to her appearance.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor's Red Lehenga Is The Definition Of Festive Red Carpet Splendour
Last year in December, Kareena attended the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah and made us fall in love with her glitzy number. She picked an embroidered golden saree, which was perfectly teamed with a full-sleeve close-neck blouse, sporting similar embellishments. Dangler earrings accessorised her look, and she carried a clutch to seal her red-carpet look. Her glam game was on point with smokey eyes, dewy skin, and nude pink lips.
Whenever Kareena Kapoor steps out of her house, all she does is serve “good looks, good looks, and good looks.”
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