The Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt wedding has been in the news for a few days now. From speculations to the actual ceremony and then the after-wedding parties, we have loved all the festivities and the elaborate fashion choices made by all the guests present. Karisma Kapoor opted for a dual toned blazer dress in black and white for a post wedding party thrown by the newest couple in town. The stylish pick from the clothing label of Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna came with white collars, full sleeves and a high slit in the front. Karisma wore a bold red lip colour, ample mascara and shimmering dewy makeup. Tying her hair in a sleek ponytail, picking studded earrings and strap heels, Karisma looked the boss lady that she is.
Also Read: Riddhima, Neetu And Karisma Kapoor Give Us A Glimpse Of Their Minimalistic Mehendi
For the intimate wedding ceremony of the newest Bollywood couple which took place amongst family and close friends, Karisma Kapoor, the cousin of the groom opted for an elegant drape from the designer label of Manish Malhotra. The orange and white saree had floral motifs and hand embroidery in zari work. The saree had a golden zari border throughout. The blouse in the refreshing summer colour of orange, was short sleeved with a wide neckline. Karisma tied her hair in a neat bun and went for metallic makeup.
Also Read: Dressed Up For Indian Summer Is Karisma Kapoor In A Breezy Anarkali Suit
Karisma Kapoor's outfit for the mehendi ceremony was an exceptional pick too. Her all-yellow anarkali suit with golden embroidery and net dupatta was perfect for the wedding nuptials. Karisma wore traditional jhumkas, golden mojris and carried a potli bag with her desi attire.
Karisma Kapoor gave us major lessons on how to dress for Bhai Ki Shaadi.
CommentsAlso Read: Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor's Mehendi Look Is Out And We Love Their Coral Outfits