Karisma Kapoor is a legendary Bollywood actress who has spent decades in the film industry. The actress known for her fluid dance moves, phenomenal performances, and evergreen beauty turned 49 on 25th June 2023 and celebrated her day on the sunny streets of Paris. Taking to Instagram, the diva shared pictures from her Parisian holiday looking her fashionable best. Karisma wore a stunning one-shouldered maxi dress with a short puffed sleeve, a dramatic cutout at the midriff, and a gorgeous flare as she posed with the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. She complemented the maxi dress with a pair of black sliders, a trendy pair of sunglasses, and a royal blue sling bag. Loose tresses, minimal rosy makeup, and a lot of sass completed Karisma's birthday look.
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Karisma Kapoor's style including some of her chic casuals is noteworthy for sure. In a prelude to Christmas, last year, the actress chose an oversized floral mini dress from the clothing brand Baum und Pferdgarten which she tagged in her post. She looked exceptionally trendy in the short-sleeved mini dress which had a balloon-like flare with delicate black flowers on the base of green. She wore a pair of black boots to complete her edgy look. Tying her tresses in a sleek updo, Karisma's glam makeup included well-contoured cheeks, mascara-laden eyes, and bold red lips.
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Karisma Kapoor is a true fashionista whose everyday fashion also looks effortless and chic. She wore a pinstriped co-ord set which included a full-sleeved button-down shirt and a pair of straight-fit pants in black and grey. The actress completed her casual sunny look with a pair of white sneakers. A pair of trendy sunglasses, golden hoop earrings, and a mini bag, were Karisma's only accessories as she wore minimal rosy makeup and looked fashionably on point.
Karisma Kapoor's closet holds more than a few stylish treasures and we can't wait to see more of those.
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