There's no denying that Karisma Kapoor loves a good throwback. Over the past year, the Bollywood actress has taken her hobby of showcasing snapshots from her years as 90s superstar rather seriously and we love every bit of it. Being flashback Friday once again, Karisma took to Instagram to give us a glimpse of her latest picture from the archives. Looking fresh-faced and radiant, a young Karisma struck a pose and in an instant, the retro-esque large curls in her hair and narrow brows took us on a trip to the 90s. Also seen was Karisma's white top and chunky bejewelled earrings, which were a staple accessory at the time. Nothing we don't love about a nostalgia trip.
Swirlster Picks Retro Fashion Pieces
(Also Read: When Karisma Kapoor, Amrita And Malaika Arora Made Jeans The Coolest Style Pick)
On a previous Throwback Thursday, the actress chose to go a little more glam when she shared this photo. Captioning it "always on the couch", she looked pretty darn good doing so as she was sprawled out in a sequinned little black dress with red lipstick, skinny brows and of course, more big, curly hair.
When she posted this photo, her fans had a field day guessing which 90s Bollywood movie it was from in the comments. Wearing a chiffon yellow saree in the scenic locales of Switzerland, complete with bangles on her wrists and flowers in her hair, her followers rightly credited it to a shot from the movie Jeet.
We absolutely loved this blast from the past that Karisma shared and incidentally, it fits well with the past year (and some of this one too). Gabbing on the phone while lounging on the sofa, a young Karisma is seen wearing a silk robe with red lipstick and her hair in an updo.
(Also Read: Karisma Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez, Sonam Kapoor Ace The Mirror Selfie In Style)
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