On the eve of Kiara Advani's 9-year anniversary in Bollywood, the star was yet again the talk of the town. But this time not for her real wedding fashion but her reel wedding pics. Kiara's male co-star, Kartik Aaryan, from their upcoming release Satyaprem Ki Katha posted a still from the movie on social media thanking his fans. Simple enough, but what was creative and unique about the image was that the onscreen duo created a 'reel' replica of the 'real' fashion moment from Kiara's wedding. The strong style and pose match left some fans a bit confused and if you refresh your memory with what the real couple wore in their stunning wedding pics, you will see why.
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Fans were quick to flood the post with comments. "First confused", "I got shocked for a sec", "I thought you actually got married" and many more. Well, the uncanny resemblance is hard to miss. Here's the real picture of the pose from Kiara and Sidharth's wedding. She looked ethereal in an ombre pink lehenga paired with statement diamond and emerald jewellery. While she looked like royalty in her real wedding pictures with peppy pink, she kept it minimal and chic for the reel pictures. In the still from the movie, Kiara was seen wearing an ivory lehenga with embellished work. She chose the ultimate traditional polki jewellery to add an edge to the look.
Recently, actress Kiara Advani completed 9 years in Bollywood and she celebrated the moment with a heartfelt note on Instagram in appreciation of her fans. It has been quite a year for actress Kiara Advani. After her ever-so-dreamy wedding actor Sidharth Malhotra at the Suryagarh Jaisalmer, and her wedding trousseau that will have a permanent place in our wedding stylebooks, she is all set for the much-awaited release of her upcoming movie.
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