What seemed like a roller coaster of paparazzi spotting security convoys, family members and especially celebrities like designer Manish Malhotra, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra finally put an end to their rumoured relationship with loved-up pictures from their wedding day. The couple tied the knot in an intimate ceremony, as is the custom in Bollywood these days, at the Suryagarh Jaisalmer. Without a doubt, Kiara Advani made for a stunning bride alongside the love of her life. Not Sabyasachi, not Anamika Khanna, but in a Manish Malhotra lehenga, she shined with the light of a thousand suns that could dull the gleaming sun on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in Jaisalmer. Her close ties with the designer seemed like it would be an obvious choice to pick him to dress her up for her big day. Against the backdrop of love, her blush pink colour bridal lehenga bejewelled with rhinestones and sequins makes her a gorgeous dazzling bride. If you thought that wasn't enough glittery glam, her jewellery made up for the rest topped with diamonds and emeralds. Kiara Advani owing to her friendship with the designer becomes the first bride and woman to debut Manish Malhotra's newest venture - fine jewellery.
Also Read: Isha Ambani Arrives In Pure Pastel Perfection For Kiara Advani-Sidharth Malhotra's Wedding Party
Kiara Advani is known for her signature makeup that includes a dewy complexion, lightly lined eyes, mascara and nude lips. For her wedding day, she chose nothing but to be her most authentic self. Her subtle soft makeup and her sleek hairstyle with roses on her bun are what bridal beauty dreams are made of.
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra began their budding romance while shooting for Shershaah and they may have made their relationship Instagram official only very recently, but seems to us now, that their love story is made to last.
We wish Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra many more years of wedding bliss, love and fashionable moments together.
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