Kiara Advani's fashion game is always on point. She never fails to make the fashion police stop and stare. Recently, the actress was spotted at a theatre in Mumbai, wherein she joined Bollywood stars including Deepika Padukone, Vidya Balan, and Aditya Roy Kapur among others, for a special screening of India's Oscar submission film Chhello Show aka The Last Show. For the occasion, Kiara picked a classy green co-ord set. The button-down printed shirt featured a v-neckline and flared sleeves. Kiara ditched the accessories and went for a minimal makeup look. She wore a pair of grey block heels and carried a brown sling bag. Simple yet stunning.
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With this classy chic look, there is no doubt that Kiara Advani is the “life of the party.” We never knew silver, orange, and blue can look so good together until Kiara showed us. She paired silver bottoms with an orange sleeveless corset top. She picked a blue printed jacket on top. She gave a subtle coral touch to her makeup as well.
Kiara Advani is nothing less than goofy cotton candy in this pink co-ord set. The crop top came with ruffled shoulders and a square-cut neckline. Accessories? A small pair of gold hoops and nude pink sunglasses. Makeup? Blushed cheeks and a glossy pink lip. Hairdo? Her tresses were left open.
Also Read: Kiara Advani's Casual Black Maxi Dress Gets A Neon Pop With Her Slider Sandals
Kiara Advani is a new-age fashionista, and her Instagram feed is a testament to the statement. In these pictures, Kiara slayed the monotone scheme. The all-blue ensembles featured flared pants and a strapless corset top, which came with dark blue embellishments and chain detailing. Her voluminous brown mane was left open. She picked a pair of white hoops to accessories her outfit. Makeup was pitch-perfect, as always.
A sight to behold. Kiara Advani slipped into a pair of comfy tie-and-dye pants and a matching halter-neck bralette. Flaunting her washboard abs in the outfit, Kiara accessorised her look with gold hoops and rings. Her makeup was kept subtle with on-fleek brows and nude lips.
In terms of both fashion as well as her films, Kiara Advani is on a roll.
CommentsAlso Read: Even When She's Not On The Sets Of Koffee With Karan, Kiara Advani's White Dresses Are Still A Hit