Kiara Advani will be next seen in Govinda Naam Mera with Vicky Kaushal and Bhumi Pednekar releasing on 16th December 2022. But before that, Kiara Advani has given us a glimpse of her movie promotion closet that is easily the season's freshest drop. She picked a fresh lime mini dress from the shelves of Alex Perry's label. The spunky number with full sleeves and a quintessential bodycon fit is a total head-turner from the back. The cutout pattern at the back though ups the temperature level. Lucky for us that the winter months are beginning to look warmer. A pair of golden hoops and metallic heels are the only accessories Kiara picked and perhaps you can see that clearly; that's all she needed. Kiara Advani loves a messy ponytail moment and her high ponytail yet again shows us why it is a favourite. The generous mascara, dewy skin and a glossy lip add the perfect finishing touches. One thing is for sure though, her fashion sense is a total hit even before her
Also Read: We're So Glad Kiara Advani Gave Mini Dresses A Break For Her Uber Trendy Versace Outfit
Kiara Advani loves a monochrome moment and we'd be lying if we said we didn't love one of hers too. For the Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards 2022, Kiara opted for a glamorous black gown by designer duo, Gauri and Nainika. The sleeveless gown with a deep halter neckline plays the perfect canvas to the her drop necklace. The dramatic thigh-high side slit with ruffled details adds further drama but it sure paid off because all eyes were stuck to her when she walked down the red carpet.
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Her white co-ord set from the clothing brand House of CB for the promotions of the film is proof that you don't need a bright colour to make a fashionable statement. She added a pair of strappy silver Chritsian Louboutin heels to her monochrome number and left us convinced us why we would easily pick a white party outfit this season than any other.
Which is your favourite pick from Kiara's wardrobe?
CommentsAlso Read: Kiara Advani In A Black Gown Brings The Sheer Drama To The Table Like Only She Can