Retro fashion has been making a big comeback in Bollywood, among which polka dots have been getting a lot of love. Not just small prints but also large and whimsical polka dots. Actress Kriti Sanon kept it chic with her own modern touch to this retro trend quite effortlessly. She made an appearance in a sweet strapless dress from the label Pink Porcupines. The dress had a frilly silhouette that was cinched together at the waistline while the hemline includes three dramatic tiers that made us sure that it's time we brought out our vintage dresses to the party. Known for her understated and laid-back style, the actress kept the accessories to a minimal extension with a pair of sparkly earrings and classic Christian Louboutin gladiator heels. Her classic aesthete of side-parted hair with curls at the bottom justified the look - a true amalgamation of modern and retro styles.
(Also Read: Kriti Sanon In A Red And Gold Lehenga Gives The Traditional Bride Her Exquisite Charm)
Swirlster Picks Polka-Dotted Dresses For You
Polka dots have ruled the trend charts both on-screen and off-screen. And Kriti Sanon has quite made some statements with polka dots. Once in a dramatic one-shoulder jumpsuit, the attire packed its punch with the one-shoulder polka dot organza sleeve. The contrasting sleeve brought out the whole all-white look even more.
Continuing to paint the town red this time with sparkly stars, Kriti Sanon was dressed to impress. Wearing a quarter sleeved, balloon style top with white star prints, she styled it with white wide-leg pants. She added the perfect accessory statement with her tan-coloured belt and red lipstick.
Is there any look that Kriti Sanon cannot slay? This time, she showed us how to make messy hair look good. She wore a thin-strapped, polka-dotted outfit with a plunging neckline that made her look too stunning to miss.
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