Kriti Sanon will next be seen in Adipurush. The actress has been very busy shooting for the movie. But that doesn't stop her from being impeccable on the fashion radar. For the HT India's Most Stylish Awards 2023, the actress picked a stunning sheer gown in black from Saint Laurent. The full-sleeved outfit had a body-hugging fit and a beautiful fall at the bottom. She teamed it with a black bralette and cycling shorts beneath. Leaving her tresses loose in soft curls, Kriti's dramatic makeup included kohl-laden eyes, shimmery eyelids, well-highlighted cheeks, and nude lip colour.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon In A Slinky Deep Red Co-Ord Set Is Fun, Fierce And Fabulously Fashionable
Kriti's all-white midi dress from the clothing brand Zimmermann was a summer staple we all would like to own. The strappy outfit featured layered ruffles throughout the length of the outfit. She wore a pair of strappy white heels to complete her monochromatic look. Kriti accessorised the look with white heels and golden chunky hoops. Her summer look was completed with a dash of kohl, minimal rosy makeup, and nude lip colour.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon's Edgy Benarasi Gown And Cape Is Indian Fashion Done The Global Way
Kriti's love for monochromatic fashion is unmissable. She wore a breathtaking button-down dress featuring statement balloon sleeves from Valentino and looked absolutely ravishing. The jaw-dropping outfit had a cape on the back and slits on the sides and front. For some more drama, Kriti added heeled pantaboots and picked a chocker and a Valentino top handle bag. She enhanced her look with a dewy base, bold red lips, shimmery eye shadow, and ample mascara while tying her tresses in a bun.
Kriti Sanon's monochrome dressing is gaining a fanbase of its own.
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